
Who Am I?

Thank you for visiting my Blog! If you wonder who wrote all of the post in this blog, it is me, Steve Yudea!

Currently a student at Physics Department of Institut Teknologi Bandung. But in short time, I'm going to give my all to pursue a graduate degree in another part of the world. 

Why do I have to pursue this degree? Because I have a great inquietude. My inquietude came from the agrarian history of my people. Reading newspaper as a child, I found an aggravating fact about Indonesian rubber plantation farmer. They spend most of their time on the plantation only for a few dollars. Everything happened because of the material they produce worth almost nothing. The future itself never sides to them. In a globalized world, where trades become much easier and natural resources become cheaper, there is no place for a low-tech producing country like Indonesia. Let alone the live of Indonesian rubber plantation farmers. Premonitions wash my head as if I did nothing, their sweat would become blood.
On another timeline, I fell in love with physics. The first time I learn physics, suddenly everything becomes very interesting. The grace of a pendulum dancing through the choreography of physics is fascinating. The beauty of a light spectrum projected as a rainbow. That minute I knew, I would love to do physics to help my people grow.Looking back into my recent studies in department of physics, I enthusiast in material science and engineering especially in nanocomposite polymer.Thus, I wanted to finish postgraduate studies in material science. And thus I need to pursue it.

These are the posts I'm writing in my spare time. Post mostly about science and technology, Indonesia, literature and poem, daily random thought and practical philosophy.
All in all, I am only a speck of dust looking to be shaped and to do the role God has put in his life.